I am breaking my strict "once every three months" posting rule--but at least this one has pictures. After being extremely proud of our Martha Stewart moment (nevermind that this is the "anyone can do it idiot version" gingerbread kit found at costco) I found the camera and tried to use it for the first time in forever (I’m not good at being a girl. I don’t ever think to take the camera, and when I do, I don’t think to use it. And when I make it that far the battery is usually dead. Or the memory is full. I’ll work on it.) So in the mean time, enjoy the phone pictures of our project last night. Sydney did this all by herself. She is a genius. And she can count to ten.

Is that before or after you tell her which numbers come after another? :)
This by no means cancels out your next post 3 months from now. You've done this whole posting somewhat quickly once. I have faith you can do it again.
Sydney's scrapbook is going to consist of cell phone pics. I just know it.
Amazing! You should be very proud!
Can I eat it!!!! Looks very scrumdiddiliumpcious!!
It turned out so cute! Was it tasty too?
Very cute! I wanted to do one of those this year with my kids but kept forgetting to buy one and I'm far to lazy to do it the old fashion way. And cell pic's are better then no pic's, right?
I hear you! Gingerbread house making is so easy these days. They boys made one earlier this week. Gavin just wanted to eat the candy, Hudson was having control issues (takes after his mom), and Rylan was just along for the ride.
wow - she IS a genius!! apple doesn't fall far from the tree girl! Merry Christmas!!
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