I’m blogging! I blog. I am a blogger. Ahoy! (Can you picture me screaming this while strapped to the mast with a life jacket on? Yeah, me too.) Not sure what I am doing. Not sure how to do it. Maybe that is because I thought I was morally opposed to blogging (not other people blogging – me blogging) so I have tried my best to feign ignorance to this point. But I have caved. What's next - Papa Murphy's pizza? (Something I am also vehemently opposed to - if I wanted to cook my own pizza I would have stayed home.) Hopefully this will end here - no more exceptions to my principles. In fact, if I start to use the words "moist" or "ointment" in context would someone please step in and take charge? Until then, here goes nothing...
DO cave on the blog. This is fantastic. I'm so friggin pumped. Do NOT cave on Papa Murphy's pizza. Not only do you have to cook it yourself (?) but it doesn't taste good. And you should know better than to expect that I won't be back to check. You're too funny and your life is too, uh, well interesting not to be posting on a regular basis. I'm linkin you up to my page. There's no going back.
Please Shannon, keep going with this. You must become one of us. Keep it up....I will read.
YES! I am SO excited!! Keep it up! I'll be checking on you.
PS My feelings were kind of hurt when I didn't see my name on the "peope we like" list... j/k! I'm sure you'll update that soon. Right??? :)
Hooray I have another person I can add to my blog's link list. I'm trying to get more so I can look cool. But seriously, I'm excited to check out your blog to see what you're up to!
I'm so glad you finally came to the dark side and started a blog! And just when I really needed a good laugh there you were to provide. Thanks so much!
I SO hate the word moist by the way. And I am SO excited you have a blog!
Yea! I am so excited for your blog! I haven't seen a picture of Sydney since she was a little baby! (We really need to have our kids hang out) Love you tons (you to Shawn) see you tomorrow!
Here is a hint....when you blog you need to continue posting...that is how it works.
In case you were wondering.
Can't wait for your next post!!!
Dude, I kept forgetting to check your blog you told me about. So glad I finally did :) So um, maybe we can hang out sometime, eh!!
YOU ARE SICK! How dare you use those wretched words! And may I just add that if I could choose just one person in the world to have a blog to read, it would be yours! I am dying to have a little more JOYCE in my life! Love you!
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