So we took Sydney to the Zoo on Saturday. Lucky for us it was teddy bear Saturday and you got 2 bucks off if you showed your teddy bear at the door. I was so glad our hours of digging through her toys for a stuffed animal really paid off since we got to the gate and the stuffed animal was still in the car. Not that the 8 acre walk back to the car in 110 degree weather wasn’t worth the savings, but technically all we had to show for our hours of searching was a stuffed puppy anyway. We paid the 2 bucks.
Once we got inside the zoo Sydney was more interested in the rocks and the water than in any of the animals. Maybe because between the dog and the bird and Shawn’s 22 year-old brother we have lived in the equivalent of a zoo at the in-laws for the past year. She is used to it. But when we tried to drag her away from the rock she was fascinated by and come look at the rare albino alligator she was not a happy girl. Same thing when she had to be drug away from the penguins because we wouldn’t let her go "schwibbing" in their pool.
The Carousel was much better—she thought she was begin tortured by the ostrich she was riding and screamed the whole way around—all 54 times. Since when are Carousel rides that long! The crowd we passed on each lap was growing as they watched the screeching child cling to life lap after lap without ever giving up on the earsplitting howl. After the tenth trip around with Sydney’s lungs holding out perfectly the spectators began to give us the "ohh, too bad your kid doesn’t know how to have fun” look. One lady even came up and offered her a gummy bear as we got off the ride because “she had been so brave.” Great. Now Sydney equates the carousel with a trip to the dentist. Tickets to the Zoo: $16.00. A ride on the carousel $4.00. Creating lasting aversions to family outings by the time she turns three: priceless.
Maybe next year.
Shannon, you crack me up! I'm so glad you posted again. I was starting to lose hope! ;)
'bout time you posted!! So each day I think about you moving I get depressed :( Sure you don't want to change your mind and buy a Trophy Home :) Sounds like your trip to the zoo was exciting! Be glad your kid likes rocks..... she's easily entertained, you don't have to spend a lot of money :)
This is FUNNY. and like always, your gift for writing paints the perfect picture. :) Even though Jalene is sad you are moving, I am happy. It could be because you are moving closer to me, but I'm going to say it's not that (that seems selfish).... I'm going to say it's because I'm happy YOU are getting into a house. Yes, that's better. :)
Shannon...My long lost BFF...Hello Kimm from CP...Still doing those crazy Comb overs? How about swimming fully clothed in the CP Pool or running into me at quiznos in American Fork!! Oh the good ole days. It has been forever!! We need to catch up. I ran into Lisa F. at Target in Utah in April. Now I find you on her exciting...making my day again. Nice to be reconnecting with people after so many years. Let me know what is going on with you!! Check out my
Hope to hear from you soon!!
Too funny. I don't know what your daughters problem is. My kids adore the zoo and the carousel. Maybe you waited too long to expose her to such frivolity. Just kidding. Thanks for adding another post. I'll check back in another two months to see how you are doing. Again Just kidding. We love you and anything snippet you give us into your life is a joy. Amanda
Okay, I am not nearly as nice as Diana and I am happy that you are moving closer to me. I have never said I am not selfish. :D
Love your trip to the zoo! But, it has made us rethink inviting you to Disneyland with us....(I am not at all serious!)
When is moving day? I am offering up my husband and his truck if you need it.
Love You!
Hey. It's Anna and Linc. I found your blog attached to Jalene's. Your posts are hilarious! I hope all is going well. Sydney is so cute.
Wow! You posted again!! I wondered if you ever would. ;D
I sometimes wonder why I take my kids places too. Ah, the joys of being a parent I guess. At least you were never bored, right?!
Oh Shannon, so glad to see you left a post. You continuously make me laugh so hard.... keep it up!
Shannon, at any time you feel you need to post, you just do it! Don't feel like you have to wait or anything...
If LISA is MY Lisa, then an invite to your blog is needed STAT!:)(
I'm with Whitney, invite please. thx Corey (
I am so glad it's not just my kids. After threatening life and limb to make my kids be in the 4th of july parade, then holding Noah on my lap as he sobbed through the fireworks this summer, I started to doubt my resolve that they will thank me later. Well, at least I have pictures so later they can't complain that we never did anything. Hopefully I don't mess them up too much in the mean time.
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